PLOW & HOSE Gardening in Central Texas

Julie is getting back in the swing of things...It's a new year, new season with new weather! It's the perfect time for garden planning and thinking about the summer garden. If you want to plant your summer garden as soon as possible--you need to sow seeds indoors NOW. As seed catalogs roll in and the temperatures rise and fall--January is an exciting time for gardeners in Central Texas!

SPONSOR OFFER: Save 20% with code PLOWHOSE20 at now through the January 31, 2024. Regain energy and focus with premium ingredients in Magic Mind!

What is PLOW & HOSE Gardening in Central Texas?

Plow & Hose is a show dedicated to joys and challenges of organic backyard gardening in Central Texas. Learn organic gardening and earth friendly practices while getting seasonal planting information specific to Central Texas.